VERSION 2 // Version 1 : New crush data // 2 : New windscreen spec EAGLE3.TXT // Name of car 0.7 // softness_factor START OF DRIVABLE STUFF -0.08,0.179,0 // Offset of driver's head in 3D space 80,-70 // Angles to turn to make head go left and right 0,0.175,0.2,30 // Offset of 'mirror camera' in 3D space, viewing angle of mirror none,none,PRATBDRT.PIX,PRATBDHZ.PIX // Pratcam border names (left, top, right, bottom) END OF DRIVABLE STUFF 5300,5301,5302 // Engine noise (normal, enclosed space, underwater) stealworthy // Can be stolen // Damage info for top impacts 1 // Number of clauses always 1 // Systems count driver,1.5 // Damage // Number of clauses // Damage info for bottom impacts 5 // Number of clauses always 1 // Systems count transmission,0.2 // Damage z<0.25&x<0.25 // Condition 3 // Systems count lf_wheel,0.5 // Damage lf_brake,0.5 // Damage steering,0.3 // Damage z<0.25&x>0.75 // Condition 3 // Systems count rf_wheel,0.5 // Damage rf_brake,0.5 // Damage steering,0.3 // Damage z>0.75&x<0.25 // Condition 2 // Systems count lr_wheel,0.5 // Damage lr_brake,0.5 // Damage z>0.75&x>0.75 // Condition 2 // Systems count rr_wheel,0.5 // Damage rr_brake,0.5 // Damage // Damage info for left impacts 3 // Number of clauses z>0.25&z<0.75 1 // Systems count driver,1.0 // Damage z<0.25 // Condition 3 // Systems count lf_wheel,0.5 // Damage lf_brake,0.5 // Damage steering,0.3 // Damage z>0.75 // Condition 2 // Systems count lr_wheel,0.5 // Damage lr_brake,0.5 // Damage // Damage info for right impacts 3 // Number of clauses z>0.25&z<0.75 1 // Systems count driver,1.0 // Damage z<0.25 // Condition 3 // Systems count rf_wheel,0.5 // Damage rf_brake,0.5 // Damage steering,0.3 // Damage z>0.75 // Condition 2 // Systems count rr_wheel,0.5 // Damage rr_brake,0.5 // Damage // Damage info for front impacts 3 // Number of clauses always // Condition 2 // Systems count engine,1.0 // Damage transmission,0.3 // Damage x<0.25 // Condition 3 // Systems count lf_wheel,0.5 // Damage lf_brake,0.5 // Damage steering,0.5 // Damage x>0.75 // Condition 3 // Systems count rf_wheel,0.5 // Damage rf_brake,0.5 // Damage steering,0.5 // Damage // Damage info for rear impacts 3 // Number of clauses always // Condition 1 // Systems count transmission,0.5 // Damage x<0.25 // Condition 2 // Systems count lr_wheel,0.5 // Damage lr_brake,0.5 // Damage x>0.75 // Condition 2 // Systems count rr_wheel,0.5 // Damage rr_brake,0.5 // Damage GEAGLEF.PIX,GEAGLEF.PIX,GEAGLEA.PIX // Grid image (opponent, frank, annie) 1 // Number of extra levels of detail 8 // min_dist_squared EAGLE3.WAM // crush data file (will be incorporated into this file) CARWSCRN.PIX // Name of reflective screen material (or none if non-reflective) 100 // Percentage transparency of windscreen 2 // Number of steerable wheels 7 // GroovyFunkRef of 1st steerable wheel 8 // GroovyFunkRef of 2nd steerable wheel 4,-1,-1,-1 // Left-front suspension parts GroovyFunkRef 3,-1,-1,-1 // Right-front suspension parts GroovyFunkRef 6,-1 // Left-rear suspension parts GroovyFunkRef 5,-1 // Right-rear suspension parts GroovyFunkRef -1,-1,2,1 // Driven wheels GroovyFunkRefs (for spinning) - MUST BE 4 ITEMS 10,9,-1,-1 // Non-driven wheels GroovyFunkRefs (for spinning) - MUST BE 4 ITEMS 0.14 // Driven wheels diameter 0.14 // Non-driven wheels diameter START OF FUNK EARLITL constant piss off no fucking lighting bastards frames accurate texturebits VB 4 EBACKALL,2,0,2,0 EBACKALL,2,1,2,0 EBACKALL,2,0,2,1 EBACKALL,2,1,2,1 NEXT FUNK EARLITR constant piss off no fucking lighting bastards frames accurate texturebits VB 4 EBACKALL,2,0,2,0 EBACKALL,2,1,2,0 EBACKALL,2,0,2,1 EBACKALL,2,1,2,1 END OF FUNK START OF GROOVE FRPIVOT.ACT not a lollipop constant straight absolute 0,0,0 3 0,1,0 rock absolute 7 0,0,0 y 0 NEXT GROOVE FLPIVOT.ACT not a lollipop constant straight absolute 0,0,0 4 0,1,0 rock absolute 8 0,0,0 y 0 NEXT GROOVE RRWHEEL.ACT not a lollipop constant straight absolute 0,0,0 5 0,1,0 spin controlled 1 0,0,0 x NEXT GROOVE RLWHEEL.ACT not a lollipop constant straight absolute 0,0,0 6 0,1,0 spin controlled 2 0,0,0 x NEXT GROOVE FRWHEEL.ACT not a lollipop constant no path spin controlled 9 0,0,0 x NEXT GROOVE FLWHEEL.ACT not a lollipop constant no path spin controlled 10 0,0,0 x END OF GROOVE // END OF CRUSH DATA START OF MECHANICS STUFF version 1 0.500000 // Minimum turning circle. 1.000000 // Brake multiplier. 1.000000 // Braking strength multiplier. 6 // Number of gears. 200.0000 // Speed at red line in highest gear. 5.000000 // Acceleration in highest gear (m/s^2) i.e. engine strength. // Sub member: Root part normal // Type none // Identifier EAGLE3.ACT // Actor // Sub member: Joint data none // Type 0.000000,0.070000,0.000000 // Centre of mass 1.5 // Mass 0.320000,0.270000,0.800000 // Angular momentum proportions 50.000000 // Downforce-to-weight balance speed 4 // Number of 'Wheels' entries. // Wheels entry #1 0 // Type Left front // Identifier FLWHEEL.ACT // Actor -0.16,0.06,-0.24 // Position 1 // Steerable flags 0 // Driven flags 0.010000 // Suspension give 1.000000 // Damping factor 1.000000 // Fractional reduction in friction when slipping 80.000000,80.500000 // Friction angles 2.000000 // Traction fractional multiplier 0.050000 // Rolling resistance // Wheels entry #2 1 // Type Right front // Identifier FRWHEEL.ACT // Actor 0.16,0.06,-0.24 // Position 1 // Steerable flags 0 // Driven flags 0.010000 // Suspension give 1.000000 // Damping factor 1.000000 // Fractional reduction in friction when slipping 80.000000,80.500000 // Friction angles 2.000000 // Traction fractional multiplier 0.050000 // Rolling resistance // Wheels entry #3 1 // Type Left rear // Identifier RLWHEEL.ACT // Actor -0.16,0.06,0.24 // Position 0 // Steerable flags 0 // Driven flags 0.010000 // Suspension give 1.000000 // Damping factor 1.000000 // Fractional reduction in friction when slipping 79.500000,80.500000 // Friction angles 2.000000 // Traction fractional multiplier 0.050000 // Rolling resistance // Wheels entry #4 1 // Type Right rear // Identifier RRWHEEL.ACT // Actor 0.16,0.06,0.24 // Position 0 // Steerable flags 0 // Driven flags 0.010000 // Suspension give 1.000000 // Damping factor 1.000000 // Fractional reduction in friction when slipping 79.500000,80.500000 // Friction angles 2.000000 // Traction fractional multiplier 0.050000 // Rolling resistance 1 // Number of 'Bounding shapes' entries. // Bounding shapes entry #1 polyhedron // Type 8 -0.20,0.04,-0.38 0.20,0.04,-0.38 0.20,0.158,-0.38 -0.20,0.158,-0.38 -0.20,0.04, 0.4 0.20,0.04, 0.4 0.20,0.24, 0.4 -0.20,0.24, 0.4 0 // Number of sub-parts. END OF MECHANICS STUFF // Materials for shrapnel 1 // number of materials 160, 0, 0 // Red //damage vertices fire points 1 // engine point 1 // transmission 1 // driver 5 // steering 1 // lf brake 1 // rf brake 1 // lr brake 1 // rr brake 1 // lf wheel 4 // rf wheel 6 // lr wheel 1 // rr wheel // start of keyword stuff CAMERA_POSITIONS 0, 0.1686, -0.3 // bumper position 0, 0.170060, 0.039150 // cockpit position CAMERA_TURN_OFF_MATERIALS 3 // Count EADORGLL.MAT 2 SCRN2 SCRN3 EADORGLR.MAT 2 SCRN2 SCRN3 EAGLR.MAT 2 SCRN2 SCRN3 // End of keyword stuff END